Month: October 2022

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Once you see what traps others are attempting to plant for you, never let up on what God has promised you.

Those futile attempts to stumble you only means what you are seeking is manifesting quicker and the enemy needs you to fail and discount your faith. The confusion isn’t for you to figure out. It’s not even a factor, because what you are after has absolutely nothing to do with what some unfortunate soul has going on.

So don’t “match energy,” rather pour your energy into positive and certain things which are in your control. Praying, working and aligning yourself towards your goal and finding joy/laughter/love throughout your days.

A bad moment is a bad moment; we all have them. But it’s how we don’t allow that moment to become the rest of our day, week, month.

So know that the weapons are formed…they just won’t prosper. Why? Because we believe in how far we’ve come to know there so much more ahead to live in.

Have a n awesome week and a great start to your November!

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Heard a message this weekend and I wanted to share with the readers.

“When you chase God, He makes whatever you desire, chase you.”

And while I know when I focus on what I can actually control, sometimes it is hard not to “force” my will upon a situation because I want it so much.

But, what is for me: cannot miss, will not miss me, is happening for me.

Remember that the next time you start allowing the circumstance to determine how you move; tell God not how big the problem is, rather tell the problem how big God is and will show out for you.

I hope you have some reserve and comfort in your day and make time to meditate/pray on whatever you are seeking. Take it away from worry to KNOWING, everything will be alright.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Here’s your reminder that whenever you choose to see your life differently, the game changes.

The shift of perception will bring in a clearer view of who you are and where you are headed.

This isn’t a merry go round, this is an elevated climb, that at times has small inclines rather than major jumps.

Sometimes it’s slippery, but that is what the jagged edges are for; to grab ahold until we can get a better footing.

Life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you! Only change your thinking to see it fully. All what you pray and work towards is working it’s way towards you, you must take hold of that and not give in to low hanging fruit that serves no nutritional value for your journey ahead.

Sometimes we must fast from people and things to gain the sustenance that is truly meant for us. Let the temporal things go.

You’ve got this! Have an amazing, mind-shifting week ahead.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Man oh man, the start of a new month and season, how blessed we are to see it! That in this new season new things can come to pass and old will wither away making room for what we have been working towards for so long.

Take a mental count of all the changes that have transpired and some of which you did not think you would be able to survive or maintain…yet here you are…still.

All those things that came to test and strengthen us are coming into use in this new season. We are able to stand boldly in who we are becoming and know that no matter what, it is already better for us. And in knowing it is already better, we have time to aid and encourage those around us who are worried or lost. Isn’t that nice?!

Remember how you used to freak out when your plan didn’t go like you thought and once you surrendered to the thought of “it is what it is” the situation turned for your good? Now you have the opportunity to assist others in getting to a place of “no matter what it will be ok.”

So take heed to resist matching energy which only serves to zap and not fill. We’ve much too many great things to do than to lower our frequency for foolishness.

I am depending and cheering for each of you as you navigate this day, week, month and season; knowing you will reflect on your goals and actions to align them. Because we want what truly matters to stay at the forefront of all we do.

Have faith and be of strong courage in this new season ahead. It is already working out for your good.