Month: December 2023

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

The most important thing you can do is to move forward and keep your focus on what’s ahead.

No matter the obstacles.

No matter the distractions.

Bring it back to what you’re moving towards, and don’t let it out of your sight.

Be encouraged that greater is headed your way.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

In this season, I’ve learned a myriad of things about myself, and while I am grateful for what I’ve learned, I am also I’m awe that there is still being lessons taught and challenges to overcome. Because you think at a certain age or point in your life, you know yourself and have life pretty much figured out; the cycle, the duties, and the dos and don’t.

Yet the more I have learned in this season of 2023, the more I realized because I don’t know it all, it is best I create a mindset of grateful intention: to know things will change, but to also know they are changing for my good.

And in learning this revelation, I have come to know the value of preparation. Oh to anticipate is different than to know. Because we know change will happen, we just aren’t always sure of when and how, but we can prepare for we know it will occur.

That isn’t a lesson I could embrace and build upon in my twenties and even in my earlier thirties. But now, I have lived through unpreparedness, yet though I have survived, I could have avoided a lot more had I been prepared to endure.

Yes, financially, but more so spiritually…my mindset…my tribe…my courage…my foundation.

I’ve gotten through so much with less, that walking into this new season of 2024, I am excited to create anew and use what I’ve gained to build lasting foundations that can endure changes, attract a tribe that aligns, continously feed my spiritual so that my cup stays full, set my intention so my mindset is focused, saving my funds for a rainy day and testing my courage that I don’t fold under pressure.

My reflection for this year comes a little early, but on time…for me at least. I hope you take some time to reflect on what it’s been and means to you.

My hope for each of you is that you don’t let go or forget what you’ve gained, trying to acquire what you don’t currently have.

For even now, you live answered prayers. Answered requests. Granted dreams. Quiet thoughts. You live them.

Don’t spend so much time thinking ahead that you forget to savor the moment you are blessed to live.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Remember to celebrate your accomplishments. Only you know what all you endured to be at this point.

Your behind the scenes is what makes the finished product shine the way it does. Continue to push towards where you desire to be. And take the time to savor the moments of wow, look how far I’ve come.

It is working out for you…always…in all ways.