Month: March 2024

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Being full is more than what you choose to put into your mouth and ultimately within your stomach.

No, the fullness I speak of is within your spirit.

What and who you choose to surround yourself with will dictate how you feel on the inside.

Are you better after than you were before you engaged with that thing or person(s) or are you feeling indifferent about yourself? Doubtful? Disappointed? Drained?

The lack of goodness…of constructive reflection should be an indicator that those things or people aren’t where sustenance lives. And you are wasting valuable time in those spaces that leave you unfulfilled and depleted.

Now don’t confuse someone telling you the truth and you not liking it as a void, that just means you felt it and you don’t like being called out, yet even in that is the constructive reflection that makes you think about what was said and how it accurately applies.

To properly fed, we must intake things that seek to help us grow into who we are meant to become. We must surround ourselves with people who hold us accountable and seek out opportunities that align with our vision.

People who bring light and laughter… honesty and wise council.

The fullness comes from the alignment of practicing who we say we are consistently, which brings what and who we need.

I pray this week that while there may be those who try to take away from your plate, there are those who add so much that you don’t miss what’s no longer there. And I hope that the main person is you.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

It is best to allow situations to play themselves out. Especially when you’ve done your part to own and reconcile.

It’s not always on us to make the final outcome be something that changes the situation. It’s not our responsibility to play a role that we aren’t equipped to be in.

And it’s ok to say, this isn’t my issue, because it isn’t. And the more you attempt to intercede in something that is beyond your realm of control, the more energy you exert into something that returns void.

Accept the scope of your knowledge; it isn’t failure. It’s wisdom when we realize our limitations and honor them. Because we aren’t taking on guilt that is unwarranted.

Be kind to yourself. And make space for growth in the areas of the need to please.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

The proof is in the consistency.

How much do you truly want the “thing”?

So much so that you’re willing to disconnect and reevaluate what you’re doing and if that is aligning with where you want to be?

And if you see things that should be changed, do you have the courage to make those adjustments?

Challenge yourself, push yourself, and encourage yourself to become what you desire and need for the success you are seeking.
