Motivational Speaking

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Sometimes we write checks that we aren’t confident enough to cash.

We write them out with all the ease of making a hefty deposit, but when the opportunity arises for us to follow through, we freeze.

We somehow become caught up in doubt that perhaps what we deposited isn’t enough to make due. Somehow the opportunity is worth more than our earnest contributions.

And why is that?

Why are we so quick to talk ourselves out of what we asked for and worked for when presented?

That sporadic fear is a mofo! A quick dash of dream killer is what we must work on overcoming more often than those doubtful moments that occur when we are working towards long term goals. Those in the moment doubts can be more detrimental than any others, because it doesn’t give us enough time to talk ourselves from walking away without attempting a try.

And so I pray that we all continue to work on preparing for those moments. To walk forward even if it is towards rejection. To walk forward even if it is an opportunity that doesn’t quite live up to what we thought it might be.

But I pray we each walk forward because possibly…just maybe, it could be everything we need and more.

Here’s to walking forward, no matter what.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

When you can take slower steps to reach the destination, do so.

In that time, you may find that where you originally planned to end, wasn’t the best place for you, and had you not taken the time to slow down, you’d end up making a hasty decision that could cost you valuable time.

Don’t be in such a rush you forget to take inventory of your thoughts and emotions…your body’s temperament…your capacity to thoroughly process what’s happening.

You deserve to be heard. You deserve to wait and acquire patience for your journey. You don’t have to feel rushed for where you’re going…because should it somehow disappear before you get there, it wasn’t where you were meant to be anyway.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

It is best to allow situations to play themselves out. Especially when you’ve done your part to own and reconcile.

It’s not always on us to make the final outcome be something that changes the situation. It’s not our responsibility to play a role that we aren’t equipped to be in.

And it’s ok to say, this isn’t my issue, because it isn’t. And the more you attempt to intercede in something that is beyond your realm of control, the more energy you exert into something that returns void.

Accept the scope of your knowledge; it isn’t failure. It’s wisdom when we realize our limitations and honor them. Because we aren’t taking on guilt that is unwarranted.

Be kind to yourself. And make space for growth in the areas of the need to please.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Sometimes, if we slow down to resist the urge of being angry, we can see the lesson or opportunity of protection with a situation.

Inconvenience can truly be the thing that happens that deters us from a long-term setback.

And while yes, momentarily it causes us a small discomfort, we live to move on from that moment and seek an alternative way to accomplish our task or goal.

So, don’t sweat the inconvenience. Don’t allow the moment to take you into a space of negativity and nastiness. Resist the urge to react to something that isn’t worth the energy it takes, to become someone you wouldn’t be proud to be 24/7.

This too shall pass…allow to happen with grace.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Your mind is the first place you realize who you are. Be sure you fill it with impactful and liberating information.

Your mouth is the gateway to who you become. Be intentional about the words you speak over and about yourself.

Your ears harness in energy that can cultivate or deter what you believe. Make sure you monitor what you’re taking in.

Your steps can take you anywhere. Be sure they lead to where you are purposed to be.

Every day, we are given the opportunity to make the best decisions for ourselves, I say take it further and make the most wise decisions for yourself. Always seeking to gain what’s for you and shed what isn’t.

Have an awesome day and week ahead.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

It’s always easy to do well when things are going well. The real test of your growth is when challenges arise. Are you quick to jump into a negative mindset, i.e., complain, be angry, avoid seeking resolutions, carry a bad mood throughout the day? If you are, then you have more work to do on recognizing your triggers AND being able to talk yourself off the ledge of repressive thinking.

Because in the moment, there is a voice of reasoning that comes in to hold us accountability for how we are placing energy and what we then do with that energy.

We can either allow circumstances to control how we react, or we take control of our emotions and thoughts, to respond in a way that allows us to maintain our composure.

So the next time you find yourself in a moment of tension, aggravation, stress, or conflict; take some time to feel it and then release it for a clearer mindset of what to do next. Reacting isn’t always necessary, but governing ourselves in a way to protect our growth is.

As always, make the best of what you have, yet be willing to create room for more.


Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

How bad do you want it?

Are you willing to overlook disrespect and shadiness?

Are you ok with not being given the rightful title?

Are you ready to excuse your sensitivity in order to meet the need?

That’s what has to happen. We have to remove ego and emotion and move with the intention of what we need is worth the dirt being kicked up.

Because what is a dirt, when it can be wiped and washed off/away?

Decide how badly you want it and them commit to not allowing anything to keep you from obtaining it.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Decision-making can be difficult…not impossible.

Take a moment to meditate and unpack your thoughts so you don’t have so many voices attempting to lead you to a point you are unsure of making. The wrong time to act is when your energy isn’t centered in a calm space.

The moment you start to relax and talk yourself down from overthinking and overreacting, is the moment you allow that peaceful voice to enter the chat, and strong reasoning comes into play.

We are equipped with the toolkit to guide us through moments of uncertainty and angst. We just have to get quiet first to hear better.

Take some time this week to practice getting quiet and getting clear.

Let your energy speak.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Throughout life, we each will have to stand on decisions made and actions taken. This is why we must take our time to ensure we can live with our final answer.

No one has to agree with us. No one has to stick around and coexist with our plans; it is all optional. So make sure what you do and say is something you can stand on, no matter if you have an army behind you or you are a one person show.

Burning a bridge before you have a chance to get off is crazy. Yet keeping an unstable connection simply because the amount of time it’s been “available” is crazy and dangerous.

Take the time to take some time to reflect and seek guidance when making your decisions. Y easier to do what you need to do, and sometimes it will take a few tries to get it right.

My hope is that each time you double back, you learn something that pushes you to make that final decision that fits best for your peace of mind. That allows your soul to be at ease, beyond the loneliness…because lonely is a fleeting moment. But peace! Peace is a choice.

Have an awesome week ahead, taking your u take some time.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

There are two ways to view the hard work you’re putting in: do the work now and set your future self up for continual success or negate the hard work and set your future self up to endure the lack of consistency you had for the now.

Big picture thinking will make you see the long term details and benefits, rather focusing on how much it hurts or displeases you. Our future self shouldn’t be picking up the pieces of things when we were younger and were aware of what needed to be done.

Because we know better, it is imperative that we do better. Where we end up a year from now depends on it…where we end up ten years from now will result from it.

Put in the work. Make the daily effort and put forth a positive attitude about it.

I know it hurts.

I know it’s unpleasant.

I know it seems like it’s taking forever the situation to turn.

But trust me; it is turning and heading for an elevated direction.

Commit yourself to your better and best. Your future depends on it.