
Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Sometimes we write checks that we aren’t confident enough to cash.

We write them out with all the ease of making a hefty deposit, but when the opportunity arises for us to follow through, we freeze.

We somehow become caught up in doubt that perhaps what we deposited isn’t enough to make due. Somehow the opportunity is worth more than our earnest contributions.

And why is that?

Why are we so quick to talk ourselves out of what we asked for and worked for when presented?

That sporadic fear is a mofo! A quick dash of dream killer is what we must work on overcoming more often than those doubtful moments that occur when we are working towards long term goals. Those in the moment doubts can be more detrimental than any others, because it doesn’t give us enough time to talk ourselves from walking away without attempting a try.

And so I pray that we all continue to work on preparing for those moments. To walk forward even if it is towards rejection. To walk forward even if it is an opportunity that doesn’t quite live up to what we thought it might be.

But I pray we each walk forward because possibly…just maybe, it could be everything we need and more.

Here’s to walking forward, no matter what.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Each day is a new day to make an effort to be better.

Yesterday has passed. The best way to make amends is changed behavior and a positive mindset to not repeat what hasn’t gotten us the best version of ourselves.

Give yourself grace and the apology for your shortcomings. Then move on from it. Beating yourself up for having an overflow of emotion is not healing you; it’s hindering you.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Support is one of those things we each want, yet don’t always necessarily receive in the ways we picture in our minds. And by that statement, I refer to the manner in which it is given and by who is giving it to you.

However, the lesson that comes from embarking upon a path that requires voluntary encouragement, is one riddled with learning who you are and what triggers you currently hold that causes you to stumble in showing up consistently for the goal you want.

Because not everyone is going to support you…lemme rephrase that. Not everyone who you expect or want support from, will support you. The numbers don’t aways equate to what you want which can cause you to stall or stop.

Thats when we have to take some time to reflect on the why of our path…why did we begin in the first place. If it’s about getting people to shower us in likes and comments, then we must know what all comes with that; ridicule and judgment as well.

If we start because it’s a purposeful passion, then we have to recognize the lack as growing pains and most importantly, the ones who do show up to support, as our core base. And with that core base, we are never going unheard nor unseen.

But, if when you wake up and choose to do what you do, because of the joy and sense of completion it brings you…my God! How blessed and supported you already are.

Not every thing we do will be made for a Madison Square Garden type stage…but even the smallest stage is still a stage. It’s up to you what value to place upon it.

Show up and support yourself in this new year, who better to applaud you for all you do, than you.

Make A Plan

Set Up Shop

Take Action

Go Get It

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Those closest to us hold a big part in our self development journey, in our mission to improve and become who we are called to be.

Not only are they charged to uphold their position in our lives, they must place value upon that position themselves. What it means to them far outweighs what it means to you. Because when one values who they are to you, certain actions and character flaws aren’t a pattern; if they occur at all.

But here’s the point: they hold up their mirror reserved for us, up to us and give us the opportunity to see ourselves through their experience and we can either accept that and take it as an challenge to grow and work on somethings, or we can choose to discard it.

However, if we are choosing each day as a way to advance towards who we are called to be, chances are we reflect on the things brought to our attention and rather justify actions, we analyze the perspective and say “ok, how can I do/be better.”

And thus begins the chain reaction of growth and movement…it could be the very thing you didn’t realize, that is blocking your advancement.

Check your mirrors this week, there may be something there blocking your view. And may your council of mirror holders be wise and always for your good.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

It’s the moments of confirmation that make you realize the type of decision you made.

Are you repeating the same scenario over and over, hoping for a new outcome?

Or are you evaluating your worth and loving yourself enough to know you deserve what you desire?

The time to challenge it will come and I pray you are honest to know where you stand. Stop making excuses and start making sound decisions for the person you want to become. Because it’s not happening with how things have been…so why would it magically just change?

You can discipline yourself to wait for who you want. You can also discipline yourself to take the steps towards what you want. Although it gets hard, it isn’t impossible.

Which is reassurance in itself. It just requires an effort we haven’t thought to give before and if we did, we talked ourselves out of it through denial and laziness.

But that was then, even if it was yesterday, it’s still the past! Let’s work on today and the days to come.

Get going, I cannot wait to see what we are able to accomplish.❤️

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Take your time.

No really; take your time.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

The best way to receive something you desire, is to prepare for it.

Pray about it.

Begin to align yourself with what you seek.

Keep believing it is for you to have.

Remain grateful for what you currently have and where you are.

Frequently visualize yourself with or where you want to be or have.

And above all, once you obtain that which you seek, remember to always say thank you and remain humble.

Have an awesome week ahead!

Happy Blogaversary

In 2014 Hey Girl Hey was started…from

To present day

Thank you for your viewership through these 8 years, it would not been as fun without you. Thank you for sharing, subscribing, commenting, liking posts and returning each week.

It’s our blogaversary! Let’s raise a toast to us!

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

As we come to the close of another awesome Black History Month, I truly have to say how grateful I am to be born in a month filled with so much progress and intentional energy. If truth be told, I view February as the actual New Year…things just seem to unfold during this month.

The promise of love, spring, graduation, big changes…refunds from income taxes lol; it’s a month for a start of a lot of new.

It is also my birth month and perhaps I am partial in my thoughts because of it, but I still think my reasoning holds weight as well. From previous years when it felt like I didn’t know what was happening, to now feeling the ground under my feet, I can confidently say; I am grateful for the journey that has brought me a mighty long way.

Grateful to my lineage which created me and sustains my faith and belief that all things are possible if only I put my trust in the Lord, who is guiding my footsteps and providing me with the wisdom and strength to see my vision through.

I count it all in joy that I am here today, present in my sane mind, healthy (minor aches) stable and happy. Taking up space in this world unapologetically and giving back how and where I can.

May the tears we have shed, watered the harvest we shall reap in the coming days, weeks, months and years! For with gratefulness, we shall endure and overcome all obstacles.

I pray a blessing of peace for each of us this week. And take comfort that it is so. Take care my friends and I will see you next week!