Month: May 2019

Circumstantial Survival: The road to fulfillment

Sometimes, life is an airplane that is destined for utopia and a long the way, the plane is shot down, stranded on an island, broken into pieces…yet you manage to gather up unusual material to take the pieces you can savage and build a boat.

Do you set sail from where you came, or do you journey onward to utopia?

The choice is yours to make, even though the circumstances aren’t what you would like…

you still have a choice.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Have you ever experienced a time in your life, when all cylinders were in sync and operating at their highest level?

You felt like every thing was in its proper place and you were safeguarded from foul play; in essence, life was damn good!

And we cherish those moments…but here is something I want you and I to pay close attention to:

Are we living in the past or are we gaining faith from our previous greatness, that it will return to us once again?

Last year my life was quite a fairytale. I was taking numerous trips, coloring my hair for the first time 😊, traveling often, pampering myself regularly, purchased a new vehicle (against my will, but glad I did) and enjoying my singlehood.

And then out of nowhere, I found myself unemployed and no energy to accept that my lifestyle was changing. I was not ready to let go of what I had always wanted to obtain, and now within a matter of weeks, my department went from hopeful talks to teary-eyed meetings filled with “I’m sorry this is happening.”

I was in shock, I honestly loved my work and felt fulfilled in my position. The connections I made with my youth, teachers and community partners all swirled around in my mind as I begin to make preparations to say goodbye.

How could God place me here for only a short time? Why would the Universe uplift me only to bring me low and feeling meek and defeated? Why am I once again fighting for survival and not thriving?

I sunk into a depression that even now I am not 100% sure I have fully stepped out of. But I am here, each day I am given, to rise to the challenge; seeking and expecting better than even my last year, which in truth was beyond what I prayed and hoped for.

I remember the time before that magical year and how I fought to maintain all I had and when things changed for me, I tried hard to remain grateful…but here’s what I am willing to admit to today: I didn’t set aside time solely to say Thank You.

I did not devote myself to prayer or building a continued spiritual connection. I was too busy enjoying the harvest to give thanks first.

Which is why, even when I win a battle, survive a storm, am able to smile through my tears, I give reference to God for it all. I’ve learned that even in our mess, asking for Forgiveness and being truthful, God can do way more with that than God can with unacknowledged faults.

So, while I still am not where I’ve asked the Universe to send me, I give thanks that this path I am currently on, is leading me where I need to be. The journey never looks like the destination…and I’m sure the reason is that we don’t become complacent and comfortable along the way.

The Universe has to shake it up a bit to keep us focus in our faith and connected to the spirit. No days off from gratitude.

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

You can either sulk your way through it or find happiness in each day until you are where you want to be.

A step forward is another step closer and that is definitely something to be grateful for.

Look back over your course, meditate on those moments you fought for that turned into victorious battles won; you thrived, you lived and you achieved so much…it will come again and this time you will understand how to sustain it.

Remain faithful to the process and know that things are working together for your good.

You will have everything you remain open for.


Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

The breakthrough has occurred but the prayer life needs to also take on a breakthrough as well.

In this season of elevating beyond where we were, we will not put down the essential tools which got us through.

The same reverent prayers we prayed, we will continue to pray, with much more conviction for we know that prayer does great works for not only what we physically see, but what we spiritually feel.

You want to honor and show gratitude?

Continue to pray and show reference.

Its not that we believe the Universe is at work, we know.