Hip Hop

Motivation for Perspective: A series of daily inspiration

Ok HGH Gang, I am back as I stated for day 2 of sharing my pointers for daily motivational inspiration.

One thing that gets me just as focused as prayer, is MUSIC. I honestly don’t know what my life would be if it were void of music. Its what connects me to my inner thoughts and dreams, my emotions and sometimes even my fears.

I am careful about the music I choose to listen to due to the power of it all…

Now I won’t lie, you can catch me on some gansta type hip hop, but that’s usually when I’m really in party mode or its just been one of those days at work! You know the type of days I am referring to.

However for the most part, music inspires me creatively to focus on my part. To ask myself questions regarding my actions and expectations, and whether the two align. If I want certain results, are my actions helping to make those desired results possible?

And one of my favorite motivational artists would have to be Young Jeezy. May sound strange or odd to some, but a lot of his music has motivational undertones. He’s always encouraging you to do what’s best for you regardless of what others think and reminding us not everyone will be for you, but that’s why it is so vital we stand tall for ourselves.

Music is absolutely what you make it and hopefully each of you have artists or go to songs that help to encourage you to strive for excellence and be brave in pursuing your goals.

Who are some of the artists you like? I’d loved to check them out, so feel free to leave a comment below!

See you tomorrow, same time, same motivational energy.

Flyy Girl Friday Feature: Karen Civil

Welcome back my lovely and faithful readers! Today is a special treat as we celebrate another woman of tremendous spirit, talent and professionalism.


Karen Civil

Karen Civil Cultural Artige, Digital Renaissance Woman and Builder of Great Things

Karen Civil
Cultural Artige, Digital Renaissance Woman and Builder of Great Things

Karen Civil is truly an inspiration for the Go-Getter at heart. She worked her way from an intern, under the tutelage of Funk Master Flex, and is now her own boss as a connector of branding and  promoting artists within the ever diverse and ever-changing modes of the music industry.

At a time in her life where most people are beginning to grasp their exact grind, Civil has landed, moon-walked and raised her flag.

 Here are a few of her more recent accolades and philanthropic work:

Official Ambassador: Sow A Seed Charity; benefits Haitian orphans

Salute 2014 award recipient; recognizing music industry players

Live Civil Playground erected in Haiti

Be You & Live Civil College Tour 2014

Celebs and Brands:

Lil Wayne

Mary J. Blige



J. Cole

Nicki Minaj

Beats by Dre


For more information about Karen Civil please visit her site http://www.livecivil.com and http://www.karencivil.com

Special Edition Feature: Morisha Danee, The New Voice of Feel Good Music

This Special Edition Feature is truly a magical moment!

This Feature is made for the lovers,

the lovers of Feel Good Music

the lovers of Soulful Melodies and Uninhibited Lyrics.

And She?

She is your new favorite Feel Good supplier.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Morisha Danee Interview

NOVEMBER 4, 2014

Morisha Danee1

Be sure to follow Morisha Danee for new music and album information

Twitter: morishafans

Instagram: morishadanee

I Am Committed

If I do not find it within myself to sacrifice for the benefit of tomorrow, then I am not committed to my vision.


If I do not take the time to make something happen for myself, I am not committed to my success.


If I do not suffer for now, I am not committed to enjoying the relief of the future.


You have to take the risk of failing in order to show yourself what you are capable of accomplishing.

Seek out the opportunity to be turned down.

Learn to be bigger than a rejection.

Learn to be bigger than your doubts.

If you are capable of envisioning the dream.

You are capable of achieving it.

A Go Getter is not bred from success. And a Go Getter is not bred from failure.

It is the commitment to achieve at all costs, that births a Go Getter.

The commitment.

Boy Stop! 20 Year OutKast Anniversary @ Coachella?

So if you haven’t heard by now or watched the Youtube video of the long awaited return of the Atliens to the stage, you should(http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oPEiAGFMnNI )A true fan of their music would appreciate the constant flood of memories the epic Atlanta formulated group brought on April 12….but the concert goers at Coachella seemed to be underwhelmed by the privilege.

When the group opened with B.O.B. I figured, okay they gonna start it off hype, something nostalgic,yet commercially successful….the crowd was lukewarm. From there on, as I sat in my living room jammin and rockin’ around my living room, those ungrateful persons stood in place. Moving and screaming only when prompted.

Who can afford a $300 ticket to witness the 20 Year Anniversary of OutKast and not be crunk,is down right lame as hell. What’s the point? And I know there were other acts, but OutKast is The Act, and that dope ass experience seemed to be lost on the crowd.

Now had the 20 Year Anniversary been in the A!….now you talking about CRUNK! I can guarantee the atmosphere would be electrifying and one the A would never forget. The talk of the town!

Fish and grits…mannnnn what does that crowd know about Delowe and Headland? Jelly Bean Skating Rink? Old Nat Hwy? The AUC? Westend Mall?
20 Years of history developed through the experience of the city who experienced it with you. Better yet, a culture of people who experienced it with you.

So why didn’t they bring the long awaited return of Daddy Fat Sacks and 3000 to Atlanta?
Why didn’t they grace the very culture they speak of with a walk down memory lane of Box Chevys and Caprices?

The South really embraced OutKast, they are the best to do it in our eyes. It would have been nice to share in that experience with them. The Home Team and the Home Crowd, epic! But I guess, there are always underlying factors behind the scenes.

Certain decisions and moves that are taken for certain reasons. I just hope the lackluster reception of Coachella, doesn’t deter the historical duo from gracing the stage again. You can always come home OutKast!We’ll turn up wit’ ya!

Even the sun goes down
Heroes eventually die
Horoscopes often lie
And sometimes why
That nothin is for sure
Nothin is certain
Nothin lasts forever
But until they close the curtain
It’s him and I
-OutKast, Aquemini ’98