
Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

Keep on pushing.

When there’s no light in sight.

Keep on pushing.

When the going gets tough.

Keep on pushing.

When the road gets rough.

Keep on pushing.

When you’ve had enough.

Keep on pushing.

It isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you; to become: stronger, wiser, more brave and bolder.

Go forward not knowing when, but knowing WHO…you are and WHO gives you strength to do all things you are called to do and undergo.

Make A Plan

Take Action

Set Up shop

Go Get It

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

In these current times, it is best to focus on what you can control and go forth in doing it.

So you haven’t gotten that professional opportunity you’ve been applying for, but you’ve been wanting to incorporate more healthy habits into your lifestyle. do it.

You aren’t exactly where you want to be due to unforeseen circumstances, but you have resources to engage with others in a way which allows you to be creative, do it.

We have options and choices to balance the things out that the universe has to aligns, we don’t need to take on what isn’t within our power to manifest. Once we speak the words and keep a mindset of preparation, that’s really all we can do for that and then we have to live in the present and align our current actions with our thoughts for the future.

You will find many unique present connections you have to your desired future. Yes, it is great to want better! However, we must make time for the journey to get there and not worry. You ruin the experience with all the unnecessary worrying, when you could do what you can control and ultimately connect with what is yours to have.

Make A Plan

Take Action

Set Up Shop

Go Get It

Motivation for Perspective: Go Getter Monday

So often we tend to ride the wave of complaining how 2020 has not turned out to be the year we planned it to be or we hoped for it to be.

It’s unfortunate because the irony of it being a symbolism for perfect vision, we seem to be extremely near sighted or completely blinded.

So many wonderful blessings have come forth, if we truly take a moment to do our vision test check.

Cover your doubt and look around you, look to see that you have been spared from illness and loss.

Cover your negativity and look to see all the positives that have arised: rest, money saved, grace periods extended, time with family.

Cover your impatience and see that the Universe is healing nature and allowing what once polluted the air, to bring clearer skies.

Cover your anger and see so many peaceful nights of knowing exactly where your loved ones are; home and safe.

We are fortunate, where others are grieving. We are blessed, where others are struggling to figure it out.

We have to cover what does not give light and eradicate our feelings of entitlement

Cover what does not serve you and see you have what you need.

Be blessed.

Flyy Girl Friday: Morisha Danee, The New Voice of Feel Good Music Pt. 2

Flyy Girl Feature: Morisha Danee, The New Voice of Feel Good Music Pt. 2

Flyy Girl Feature: Morisha Danee, The New Voice of Feel Good Music Pt. 2

HeyGirlHey!!! is back with a brand new Flyy Girl feature as well as the second part to the Exclusive Morisha Danee debut feature.

In editing this piece, I made notice that Morisha Danee wrote (I) in the lower case form throughout the entire questionnaire. I figured, she did that for a reason, it means something. And ac tually it helps to the (I) not seem so prominent within the sentence, it paints a better cavas on the screen. Catch that! Get deep with it one time!

So, lets share that.

A special thank you goes to each and every one of you who came onto the site Tuesday and this entire week, and showed so much support in viewing the debut for Part 1 The New Voice of Feel Good Music!

We had over 100 views, which was our biggest feature article to date!

#heyygurrlheyy Approved

Today is a round of 21 questions, well maybe not literally but HeyGirlHeyy!!! got Morisha to open up about how she views being an independent artist, featured artist on BlackandSexytv, being compared vocally and becoming a Grammy winner.

Morisha Danee Part 2

How long have you been creating music? What was the very first song you wrote and did you record it?

I have been creating music since i was able to write complete sentences that made sense. so i was at least 8 or 9. The very first song i wrote i honestly can’t remember. I always wrote poetry with the intent to turn them to songs, but never did.

So im not sure of my very first one. I guess further down the line Favorite Fantasy,  was the first.

Give us a quick history of Morisha Danee, the artist.

Morisha Danee` came about in 2006 when i really tries to go hard in the indie world of music again. It’s always been just me! I discovered that girl again in 2011 before i put my first 7 Song EP out ThisIsMePart1Mellow

I see you are currently working on a new album, what are some of the sounds you are experimenting with?

Lyrically, are we in for new topics and point of views or can we expect more lovely songs like Attention and Keeper?

YES! NEW TOPICS!! This album is very positive and encouraging, it has some love, some hurt, some vulnerability and empowerment! Some personal experiences and some that’s not! But i hope people dig it just as much as Keeper and Attention.

While we are on the subject of “Attention” please tell us the inspiration behind that dope ass song.

You would have to ask the guy who wrote and arranged it. My old friend and schoolmate Rafael ” Felly The Voice” Ishman. I just added a few ” Morisha Danee ” touches to it here and there lol. He sent over a couple dope songs and i picked that one because i felt it. I’ve lived with feeling that way being that i am a lover not a fighter. I wanted to give my audience some versatility and didn’t want to collab with just anyone. I knew felly was perfect and he believed in me as well to deliver his song. So that s how Attention came about.

Are you looking to remain an independent artist or are you looking to sign with a major distributor?

What are some of the pros you experience being an independent artist, that you wouldn’t have as a mainstream artist?

Yes i am looking to remain Indie! I’m so not interested in ” major labels ” because they take away from whats original. Plus why not have my own power.  I have total control, that’s why i love it! I can give my Morishafans the real me, unfiltered, verses being mainstream. You have to be what they want you to be, do what they want you to do or they gone drop your ass for the chick that will be ok with whatever. So indie it is for me!

What is the ultimate goal of your music career?

My ultimate goal is being nominated as Best New Indie Artist or Best New Singer/ Songwriter. i would literally cry my eyes out lol.

What would you say are the essential basics for maintaining a fruitful music career? (being able to profit from your work)

The best way to profit from your work is making sure everything is legit so far as copy writes and publishing and of course making sure you have some sort of distribution, promotion, marketing, etc.

Introduce us to your teammates, the people who help you build and maintain the Morisha Danee brand.

Honestly i built the Morisha Danee` Brand by myself…People who help with the sound is none other than my good friend/ drummer Carlton ” Bigcee ” O’neal. He produced Keeper and few others and is also the producer of the majority of my new project im working on now that will be available some time in 2015. He gives me that original sound i want and helps me make a lot of decisions when i don’t know the answers. He’s a lot of what you see visually behind the scenes of Morisha Danee` The Brand being that i have no manager yet. We making it do what it do… no excuses lol

I must say, had it not been for Black&SexyTV, I may not have heard your music. How did you originally team up?

 I kind of stumbled on Black and Sexy TV one night surfing the internet. An old friend of mine had posted a status on Facebook about the show and it just caught my attention. I knew it had to be independent because it was on YouTube. Well i support indie so i decided to check it out. I fell in love… I had just found my new favorite shows. I noticed all the great music on the episodes and wondered if they could help me. So i took a risk and sent Dennis Dortch an email introducing myself and my music and what i was trying to do. I was shocked to find out that he responded and loved my music. He let me know that he would love to help and the relationship grew from there.

We overtime developed a relationship along with his woman Numa Perrier. Often sharing text and phone calls about how thankful i was to them because they helped me get to where i am now. I will always feel like i owe them the world for that. They welcomed me into the black and sexy tv family after i tweeted them that they were gonna have a hard time getting rid of me lol. They made no hesitation to let me know they were not trying to get rid of me. Jeanine Daniels did the same and everyone That Guy. We have not yet met but when we all do, it will be natural bond i believe. Life long relationship.

Your music seems to be a perfect fit for their programming. Have you been approached to guest star on Hello Cupid?

 I have not been introduced to hello cupid stars. Can’t wait till that time comes tho… seems like fun ladies

Are you a thespian as well? If so, what types of movies would you be drawn towards?

No i’m not an actress, even tho i would love to act one day. I would love to do movies like Love Jones and Brown Sugar

I noticed your resume boasts an impressive skill set; singer/songwriter/arranger/producer…how did you become confident in putting the pieces together to create such warranted sounds?

 It just comes natural. It’s in my heart.

While researching your music, a lot of people are comparing your sound to Tweet/Faith Evans/India.Arie. Where do you draw your musical inspiration from?

Tweet is my favorite singer so i can see why people would make that comparison. My lighter notes come out song bird like so i guess that’s why people would say that, i feel my voice is raspy other times. Faith… i love her so i cant get mad at that comparison lol. My musical inspirations are none other than Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Donny Hathoway, Brandy, Jill Scott, Erykah Badu, India Arie, Lauryn Hill, Jazmine Sullivan and Prince.

What are you currently playing on your playlist?

My Personal Favs Playlist Repeats

Gwen Bunn
Alex Isley
Foreign Exchange
Lianne Lahavas
BJ The Chicago Kid
Jazmine Sullivan
Be sure to buy the EP This Is Me Mellow Pt. I, while you await the new album This Is Me Part II, on itunes, googleplay, Amazon and also
Morisha Danee music page
